bMenkar/b, placed in the jaw of the whale indicates disgrace, trouble with legacies, and dishonor. Mythology: This part of the sky was called Apabharani, which means "the waters that carry things away". This refers to all the souls that b.../b
Menkar M Menkent M Menlo M men MS Mennonite SM Menominee menopausal menopause SM menorah M menorahs Menotti M Mensa M Mensch M mensch S menservants M mens SDG menstrual menstruate NGDSX menstruation M mensurable P mensuration MS ...
Menkar M Menkent M Menlo M men MS Mennonite SM Menominee menopausal menopause SM menorah M menorahs Menotti M Mensa M Mensch M mensch S menservants M mens SDG menstrual menstruate NGDSX menstruation M mensurable P mensuration MS ...